April 28, 2014 @ 5:53 PM

Like clockwork in mid-March, the salamanders begin their annual evening migration to their breeding grounds. The site these spotted salamanders have selected for reproduction is ideal for them to lay their eggs in; the pools shallow and safe from predators. Temperature and weather conditions just perfect, Beekman Road in East Brunswick is closed to vehicle traffic as these tiny amphibians come out of hibernation from their habitat in the woods and cross the road en masse to the vernal pools. One of these years I will get to witness this wonderful miracle of nature so close to home, still, to my chagrin, it eludes me every spring. Note to self: ‘Set reminder on iPhone’.

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April 3, 2014 @ 1:01 PM
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." - Special Olympics Athlete Oath.

Volunteer T-Shirt.
What better way to spend a rainy March weekend than volunteering for Special Olympics New Jersey at the Spring Sports Festival Bowling, held at Brunswick Zone Bowling Alley in North Brunswick. Founded in 1968, Special Olympics provides training and athletic competition in a number of sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Volunteer Check-In.
As a member of the Volunteer Management Team, the day's challenges test our fortitude. Not quite set up for volunteer check-in, the volunteers start to arrive bright-eyed and cheery, as much as anyone can be .........
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